Streamlining Xcode with tools and tips — Part 1

Harish Anbalagan
2 min readFeb 3, 2024

This is my first article in Medium and I am an Android / Flutter developer. Coming from the Flutter world, I missed so many things when developing apps using Swift. This article will cover how can we get those good things from my Flutter (VSCode) ecosystem to Xcode.


Yes, Xcode has a re-indent option. But, you know how easy it is to just tap Cmd + S and get a nicely formatted code. For that i came across SwiftFormat which suits our exact need.

To setup SwiftFormat:

  • Install using Homebrew (recommended)
brew install --cask swiftformat-for-xcode
  • Once done open the SwiftFormat for Xcode application and close it.

Next, go to System Settings -> Extensions -> Privacy and security -> Extensions -> Xcode Source Editor and enable SwiftFormat.

Now again, open System Settings and go to Keyboard ➔ Keyboard Shortcuts ➔ App Shortcuts. Then click on the + sign and select Xcode. The Menu Title should be exactly Editor->SwiftFormat->Format File and for the Keyboard Shortcut press CMD+S, then click Done.

Click Done and Open any Swift File and press Cmd + S 🎉



Harish Anbalagan

Mobile dev passionate about building products. I have more projects ideas than the stars in the universe and unfinished project more than that.